- Books on Conventions: For Advanced, Beginners and Intermediate Players
- Books on Bidding, Playing and Defending at Bridge: For Beginners and Intermediate Players
- Quiz Books: For Beginners and Intermediate Players
Click here for a list of books by Barbara

TWO OVER ONE TEXT BOOK by Barbara Seagram
Simply explains all you need to know about this system that has swept the world.
Quizzes within will make you very comfortable with the system very quickly.
And if you don’t play it, at the very least you should understand what your opponents are playing.
Available by emailing Barbara at
Hi Barbara
I've gone through the 2/1 section of this revised edition. I particularly like the Semi-Forcing 1NT bid which was the last page of your Original 2/1 book. I have carried around a copy of this page ever since I took your first lesson on 2/1.
I highly recommended this book to every Bridge player I encounter. I am encouraging them all to learn this system.
I wanted you to know that I absolutely LOVE this book. It is so easy to read, clear and concise. Plus, a brief summary of all the other common conventions are such good reminders of them. It has everything an average Bridge player needs.
Thank you Barbara, you are still an amazing teacher. Don't stop!!!

2024 Intermediate BOOK OF THE YEAR (American Bridge Teachers’ Association)
$24.00 USD $28.00 CAD (REG. $34.30 including tax)
This book is loaded with practice hands galore, quizzes, tips and many concepts you need to take your game to the next level.
Buy one for your partner, since I know you don't need it!
Available in our online store and we will ship!
You've put together a tremendous book - this will take a newer player quickly up to an intermediate skill level, if not beyond, with all of the tools needed to progress even further, provided they make even the slightest effort to absorb the lessons and tips you've provided The mix of ideas presented in the chapters, and then reinforced with such a tremendous selection of hands, perfect for the topic of the chapter, but also carrying forward themes introduced earlier, with gentle repetition of the most important factors, will be a tremendous learning aid for the ambitious player and for those just wanting to up
their game. And you've made the text fun, memorable, and an easy guide to best defense, all at the same time. I can think of many bridge friends I can't wait to introduce to this book. I wish this had been available when I was first trying to get all of this in my head! TOM ANDERSON
I received 2 copies of the Magic of Defense yesterday. I bought one for my partner. I absolutely love this book. I have been baffled by how to think about a hand when on defense. I have read multiple books. This book makes it so clear. Your examples are right on target. I feel like I am having a private lesson with you. I have only given two chapters a review. But I know this is going to unlock so much for me. Thank you. BARBARA WAY (Play More Bridge)
I am loving THE MAGIC OF DEFENSE and this morning I chose to put down the new James Patterson and continue with MAGIC. D.W. (A Bridge Teacher)
Your latest book is advertised as your last. That is too bad. It is the best book on Defense that I have seen. This book will have a prominent position in our Bridge Library, right next to “Barbara’s Bridge Tips” and all our other Barbara Seagram’s books? Please keep an open mind about this being your “last” book. And please keep sending out the monthly Bridge Tips and Quiz from you and Alex. It is so helpful.
Thanks so much for helping so many Canadians to become better Bridge Players. J & D
The book is excellent. Very well-written in plain simple understandable language. While I have heard or read and used the basics so well described in your book, I have learned a great deal especially about how to think as a defender and your quizzes have been helping me test myself. I was playing on BBO the other day with an unknown international partner and was on lead with a flat , no sequence , limited point hand and led following your guidelines. The hand ended up scoring 95.8 % in our favor as I waited for declarer to finesse toward my limited honors. What a treat! Thank you. M.A
The Magic of Defense is the very best bridge book I’ve read in 4 years. I cannot put it down. D.W.
Your book arrived yesterday. It looks splendid and covers technical ground well beyond what I was expecting. The quality of your deals is excellent, and the book will surely add to your list of wins. You can be proud of it. DAVID BIRD
BRAND NEW LESSON WITH BARBARA SEAGRAM How to be a Nuisance at the Bridge Table
Topics: Overcalls, doubles, Meckwell after opponents open 1NT, Balancing, Unusual NT, Michaels, Preemptive bidding and much more!
Receive a recording of the lesson and a full set of student notes!

Being a nuisance at the bridge table is important for several reasons.
First, it disrupts opponents' communication, making it harder for them to accurately assess their hands and exchange information.
Second, it can force opponents to bid at higher levels than they initially intended, potentially leading them to bid to a difficult contract.
Third, you create uncertainty and pressure, causing opponents to make mistakes or miss opportunities.
Being a nuisance during bidding adds an element of unpredictability and challenge to the game, which is crucial for gaining an advantage and achieving success at the bridge table.
Here's What You're Going To Get With Your Purchase:
- A 2-hour bridge lesson (Video and Audio)
- A Full Set of Student Notes with all the hands that illustrate the concepts
You are NOT a nuisance if you sit idly by and let the opponents have uncontested auctions and reach their par contracts. You ARE a nuisance if you get on there like a dirty shirt and interfere with their auctions.
$25.00 CAD (approx. $19.00 USD).
Click here to purchase the lesson!
 Now Available
Granny Didn’t Know These Tricks
Master These Secrets!
SPECIAL: $14.00 CAD $10.00 USD (Regular $25.00 CAD)
The site is in CAD $ but if you are in USA, your credit card will automatically convert to USD
This lesson is all about becoming a masterful declarer!
A brand new lesson to make you think differently!
Cost includes a full set of student notes with all the hands that illustrate the concepts.
Here's what you get! - Video Lesson (Audio & Video)
- Student Notes
Click here to purchase the lesson!
Hello Barbara,
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful lesson " Granny Didn't Know These Tricks." I watched it on you tube as I couldn't attend your zoom broadcast live. You presented information that I'm sure i wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. Your hand examples were spot on and you explained them in a way easy to understand. I just wanted you to know how much i appreciate your lessons. You preserve this beautiful game of bridge by sharing your knowledge and years of experience with your students. I look forward to any you might decide to do in the future. Thank you so much! D. L.

FROM $6,498.00 USD per person + $231.00 port tax: CAT AB (floor to ceiling glass door & balcony: 252 sq. ft.)
Plus $1,685.00 USD for 2 night stayover in Budapest pre-cruise and 3 night stayover post-cruise in Prague
FROM $8,573.00 CAD per person + $305.00 port tax: CAT AB (floor to ceiling glass door & balcony: 252 sq. ft.)
Plus $2,223.00 CAD for 2 night stayover in Budapest pre-cruise and 3 night stayover in Prague
AMA cancellation insurance (cancel for any reason) available at time of deposit for Canadians: $175.00 CAD. This refunds the refundable portion & gives AMA cruise credit for non-refundable portion. Not applicable at 31 days or less pre-sailing.
The Ama Magna is nearly twice as wide as traditional river boats. This is the flagship of the Ama Waterways fleet. Join us for this enchanting trip on a five-star ship. There is a choice of four dining venues aboard: all included.

- Apr. 18: Arrive Budapest
- Apr. 19: Budapest
- Apr. 20: Embark ship
- Apr.21: Budapest
- Apr. 22: Bratislava
- Apr. 23: Vienna
- Apr. 24: Krems & Spitz
- Apr. 25: Linz
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- Apr 27: Disembark. Drive to Regensburg & on to Prague
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- Apr. 29: Prague
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Free internet. Outdoor heated pool & whirlpool. Fitness room. Bicycles for your use. Massage & hair & nail salon (extra). Pickleball court. Drinks included with meals & a Sip ‘N Sail Cocktail hour. Four dining venues.
Ship Details: 196 passengers | Crew: 70 | Staterooms: 98
Questions? Ask Barbara Seagram at barbaraseagram@gmail.com
Call Carolyn Kremer at Direct Travel: 705-435-5533 or Toll-Free 1-800-363-5533 #1435
Email: ckremer@dt.com Direct Travel: TICO #50023504

Three-Part: Slam Bidding Bridge Series
- Video Lesson 1: HAND EVALUATION + Digital PDF Notes
- Video Lesson 2: CONTROL BIDDING + Digital PDF Notes
- Video Lesson 3: MORE ON SLAM BIDDING + Digital PDF Notes
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN
Be a Better Declarer
This lesson will pull together all you need to know about declaring a hand of bridge in a trump suit contract. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Learn all the different techniques and how to spot which one applies to the hand you are dealt. Partners will be lined up to play with you! Level: Intermediate.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
Counting At Bridge
Imagine if you knew the exact shape of your opponent's hand without even peeking! Learn how to do this and make all those tough contracts your partner put you in! This lesson will take you to the next level of your bridge excellence.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
Reverses & Other Challenges At Bridge
Reverse is not a scary word! Unravel its mysteries! Then we play lots of hands, guiding you through aspects of declarer play, bidding and defense.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
 End Plays Made $CAD $USD |  An Intro To Two Over One $CAD $USD |
 FREE Introduction to Bridge Lesson
Watch Barbara's FREE video of an introductory class. Approx. 28 minutes.
A taste of bridge for brand new players! NOTE: The video is NOT designed for people to take lessons from me or at our school.
It is for players everywhere to seek out bridge lessons in their community and YOU can help them to find those lessons! Please send this link ( https://youtu.be/V033as-0bCQ ) out to your friends, family, bank teller(!) and anyone else you come into contact with.
If you care about the future of our game, you will promote bridge everywhere and try to get people back to your local club(s).
Watch the Video!! https://youtu.be/V033as-0bCQ |

 BOOK OF THE YEAR: Barbara’s Bridge Tips
Whether you have been playing for a while or you’re not very experienced, this book will help you to move your game up to the next level.
The tips cover all aspects of bridge — bidding, play and defense. Advice and examples are drawn from material Barbara Seagram has developed for her students over the last twenty years — it’s like having your own personal bridge coach sitting beside you!
ON SALE: $20.00 CAD + postage
$17.00 USD + postage
Email Barbara ( ) to order or pick up from Barbara in Toronto!
This is my fourth time winning the Book of The Year award and I am thrilled. "Barbara's Bridge Tips" is my first solo book. It was my Editor's (Ray Lee) idea and he
was an enormous help.
 $20.00 USD or $20.00 CAD
plus postage (if you cannot pick up in Toronto)
Pick up in Toronto is at 220 Lawrence Ave East (between Bayview & Mt Pleasant)
I cannot tell you how excited I am about this new book. SO much work has gone into it. This is the preface:
When I first began to learn this wonderful game of ours, it was explained to me by my teachers that the key to successful bridge is not being more brilliant than your opponents. In the long run, you will win more games by making fewer errors than they do. If you and your partner are communicating effectively (making bids that state your shape and values accurately) then your partnership will reach the right contract (and, even better, keep your opponents from theirs) more often.
Time and time again, in my bridge career, I have found this advice to be proved only too true. But how do you make sure your bidding is up to scratch?
The answer is easy:
1. You buy this book, and
2. You do the quizzes
And, because you are serious about your bridge, you score 100% (well done!)
And then...and this is the important part... you make sure partner does the quizzes as well. (I would suggest buying partner another copy of this book because I know you will not want to risk losing this one!)
You may have to work with partner until partner does as well as you. But, I promise, this journey will be worthwhile.
All kidding aside, I've written this book so you have a fun way of finding out how much of modern bridge bidding fundamentals you have mastered. It is also a tool that will help you identify and improve any areas of your game that may need some work. I suspect (and am hoping) you will want to share this with your regular partner.
Comments from recent purchasers...
Hello Barbara,
I attended your Killer Defence lesson at MOB club yesterday. It was awesome!
This morning I looked at your Barbara’s Quizzes booklet and learnt 4 things on the first page. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading and learning from your book,
The Magic of Defense that you sent me. Now I need a Barbara’s Quizzes book for each of my partners!
J.T. Barbara
So, Rogers thought they 'did me in!' ..no Internet,no land line, no cell phone, no t.v. and there i am....stranded. But, Rogers forgot about Barbara Seagram's Bridge Quizzes.
I lay on my sofa with your bridge quizzes and enjoyed the whole afternoon and evening thanks to you.Not to mention that I learned a lot.
-- All the best. I hope you have a wonderful weekend wherever you are. Irene
Hi Barbara
I was visiting Toronto for a grandchild's wedding. My children then drove me around to show me where i might like to live when i move there in April.
Actually I thought I should live with you and after 6 months of intensive instruction i would emerge as the 'white swan' of bridge.
I don't remember the flight on Air Canada to and from Wpg. to Toronto and return because i took your new Barbara's Quizzes with me. I started the first page as we were taking off and suddenly I was in Toronto. By the way i also learned a lot. The quizzes were really fun to do and then test myself.
Barbara, you make everything sound so easy and so logical.
All the best and thanks for the Quizzes. xxNora
I have to tell you this. By accident, you sent me an extra copy of Barbara's quizzes. So I passed it around to my friends and they ordered copies as well. When I was finished with them, I gave the extra copy to our bridge director and she thought it was great enough to use them at our weekly meeting. She said how great this was and pointed out the spiral binding that you could use to position the book and also the large print. I found this to be great. I bought your other quiz books and like the spiral format and large print, although I like all your quiz books. Easier to learn. Thanks for all that you do to help us to understand bridge better. I am amazed you are so prolific it being able to put out so many help books. Keep it up, since I am one of your greatest fans.
There is some similarity to some of the Covid quizzes but these have all been completely revised, and reworked. The answers are far more comprehensive and this is now such a great learning tool.
I urge you not to write the answers in the book but to use a scrap of paper because you will want to return to the book time and time again to see how much your bridge has improved.
2 Ways to ORDER
Order by emailing Barbara
- In Canada, you may pay by etransfer to AKORNEL@SYMPATICO.CA.
But email me so that we have all your details
- Americans, you can mail a check to:
Barbara Seagram, 220 Lawrence Ave East, Toronto, ON M4N 1T2 CANADA. But email first so we can get the book on the way to you.
OR you may order from our online store but above is best for us.
2022 BOOK OF THE YEAR (American Bridge Teachers’ Association) Barbara's Newest Book (# 36)
 Playing party bridge or teams, declarer's objective is to make his/her contract -- nothing else matters. Playing it safe is of vital importance.
Yet playing safe can take many forms -- it might involve simply choosing the best line of play, or keeping one opponent off lead, preserving entries, or even giving up a trick you don't have to lose, all in the cause of bringing that contract home securely.
Playing matchpoints (regular duplicate bridge), there are times when safety is more important than anything else.
Recognizing all these situations, and knowing what to do when you encounter them, will improve your bridge scores by leaps and bounds.
Retail: $25.00 On special: $22.00 CAD. $20.00 USD Postage extra.
You can also pick up at 220 Lawrence Ave East, Toronto. (Near Yonge & Lawrence)
OR you may order from our online store but above is best for us.
My completely revised book: 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know is now in stock!
- $24.00 (reg $27.95 CAD $)
- $20.00 (reg $21.95 USD $)
Plus postage OR pick up from our home at 220 Lawrence Ave East, Toronto
Live in Canada? Click here to purchase
Live in USA? Click here to purchase
If you prefer to pay by email transfer or check, please email me and I can easily arrange that.
Clues: Become A Deadly Declarer
- What did they Bid?
- What did they lead?
- What did they play?
- What do they have?
This is the lesson that I gave in person on Oct 13 this fall. But it is now recorded as an onscreen presentation as many of you asked me to do. In person, we could only manage six hands, here we will do 14 hands!!!
If I do a Zoom live class, we can manage 9 hands usually so you are getting maximum value for a recorded lesson such as this.
You can watch part of it and then take a day or two off or an hour or two. Then you can return to the recording and it will pick up where you left off. All in the comfort of your own home!
To purchase this, click on links below: You will then be sent a link to the recording and the full set of notes that goes with this. This is being done through my online store. The recording will not be on your account but it will be available at all times through the link you will be sent. AND if you lose it, I will send it again, very quickly. Just ask.
Cost is $25.00. It is 2 hrs and 18 minutes.
Live in Canada? Click here to purchase
Live in USA? Click here to purchase
If you prefer to pay by email transfer or check, please email me and I can easily arrange that.
New Minor Forcing
- This is a very important convention that you need in your arsenal.
- Barbara Seagram makes it easy to learn.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN (approx. $19.00 USD)
Timing and Magic in Declarer Play Lessons
- Watch the spots and learn to develop extra tricks like magic.
Suit contracts and NT contracts. To pull or not to pull (trumps that is). All that and more...
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN (approx. $44.00 USD) NOTE: $25.00 goes to Water filters in Laos charity.
- Big Hand Bidding and Play
(2 hour Recorded Video Lesson + Notes)
- Judgement at Bridge
(2 hour Recorded Video Lesson + Notes)
If you do not know how to evaluate and revalue your hand, you will miss a whole lot of games and you will also miss lots of slams. You simply have to get a few realities cemented right now, if not sooner. Avoid errors in judgement and improve your bidding, declarer play and defense.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN (approx. $44.00 USD) The site will automatically convert to USD on your credit card if you are in USA.
FULL access to the lesson recording for an unlimited time

Email Barbara to ORDER: or CALL 416-487-8321
Special is on until March 31, 2025
Takeout doubles, Negative Doubles, Support Doubles, Redoubles, Lead Directing Doubles, Lightner Doubles, Responsive Doubles, Penalty Doubles
  Available in person at our Bridge Studio, or by email to
MY TWO OVER ONE CHEAT SHEET IS NOW OUT!Everything you need to know about this system, in a nutshell. Simply explained. Why you need to know the system that has swept North America by storm!
· What is the Forcing No Trump
· Questions to agree on with partner
· Recommended conventions you should consider playing
· Opener's rebid after Forcing 1NT
· Rebids by Responder after bidding Forcing 1NT
· Raising Partner's Major
· Tips to Help you Learn 2/1
· Semi-Forcing No Trump & an alternative approach
· Fourth Suit Forcing
· Quizzes And lots more!
Comment from a recent purchaser...
Hi Barbara
YOUR CHEAT SHEETS are saving my life; they are wonderful!!!!! You can quote me. !!! They are so to the point and so easy to understand; invaluable if you are unsure
Contact Barbara by email to order cheat sheets or books.
If you don't have Barbara's other cheat sheets, we will be happy to send these out to you. Just send us your postal mailing address and we will send.
When you receive the package, have a look to see cost of postage on outside of packet. Send us a cheque for cost of the product and add the postage. Sorry but we do not take credit cards.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CAD (approx. $20.00 USD) The site will automatically convert to USD on your credit card if you are in USA.
FULL access to the lesson recording for an unlimited time
The opening lead is so very important. It communicates so much to partner and often sets the tone for the entire contract. This one card can explain the triumphs or the disasters for the defenders on any given hand.
2 hour bridge training + Barb's Notes!
Purchase and watch anytime afterwards.
TWO HOUR LIVE LESSONS Defensive Thinking & Strategy
Click here to purchase! ONLY $50.00 CAD (approx. $40.00 USD) total for both recordings. (i.e. $25.00 CAD each)
FULL access to the recordings for an unlimited time
Receive a full set of notes too!
Purchase and watch anytime afterwards.
Each lesson has some guiding principles, followed by play of hand with commentary all the way.

1. Balancing
2. Michaels Cuebid & Unusual NoTrump
 ONLY $25.00 CAD (approx. $19.00 USD) total for both recordings. (i.e. $12.50 CAD each) CLICK HERE TO BUY THESE RECORDINGS
Unlimited access and notes will be provided.