BRAND NEW LESSON WITH BARBARA SEAGRAM How to be a Nuisance at the Bridge Table
Topics: Overcalls, doubles, Meckwell after opponents open 1NT, Balancing, Unusual NT, Michaels, Preemptive bidding and much more!
Receive a recording of the lesson and a full set of student notes!
Being a nuisance at the bridge table is important for several reasons.
First, it disrupts opponents' communication, making it harder for them to accurately assess their hands and exchange information.
Second, it can force opponents to bid at higher levels than they initially intended, potentially leading them to bid to a difficult contract.
Third, you create uncertainty and pressure, causing opponents to make mistakes or miss opportunities.
Being a nuisance during bidding adds an element of unpredictability and challenge to the game, which is crucial for gaining an advantage and achieving success at the bridge table.
Here's What You're Going To Get With Your Purchase:
- A 2-hour bridge lesson (Video and Audio)
- A Full Set of Student Notes with all the hands that illustrate the concepts
You are NOT a nuisance if you sit idly by and let the opponents have uncontested auctions and reach their par contracts. You ARE a nuisance if you get on there like a dirty shirt and interfere with their auctions.
$25.00 CAD (approx. $19.00 USD).
Click here to purchase the lesson!
Now Available
Granny Didn’t Know These Tricks
Master These Secrets!
SPECIAL: $14.00 CAD $10.00 USD (Regular $25.00 CAD)
The site is in CAD $ but if you are in USA, your credit card will automatically convert to USD
This lesson is all about becoming a masterful declarer!
A brand new lesson to make you think differently!
Cost includes a full set of student notes with all the hands that illustrate the concepts.
Here's what you get! Video Lesson (Audio & Video) AND Barb's Student Notes
Click here to purchase the lesson!
Hello Barbara,
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful lesson " Granny Didn't Know These Tricks." I watched it on you tube as I couldn't attend your zoom broadcast live. You presented information that I'm sure i wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. Your hand examples were spot on and you explained them in a way easy to understand. I just wanted you to know how much i appreciate your lessons. You preserve this beautiful game of bridge by sharing your knowledge and years of experience with your students. I look forward to any you might decide to do in the future. Thank you so much! D. L.
Three-Part: Slam Bidding Bridge Series
What's Included:
- In the Hand Evaluation lesson, we'll cover: Some important topics that will help you evaluate your hand correctly and develop better bidding strategies. We'll talk about the importance of counting distribution and high card points, as well as how to revalue your hand based on your partner's bidding. Plus, we'll cover some bidding strategies and how to add extra points when your partner supports your suit. We'll also talk about the value of singletons, voids, and doubletons, and when to downgrade your hand. And finally, we'll explore the importance of fits and how to search for them, not misfits. We'll even show you some examples of bidding based on hand evaluation and fits.
- In the Control Bidding lesson, we'll cover: Why we can't always use Blackwood. There are two situations when we ought not to use Blackwood to explore getting to Slam.
Control Bidding is a crucial topic for any bridge player wanting to take their bidding to the next level. I'll be sharing some of my best strategies & techniques to help you master this essential aspect of the game.
- In the More on Slam Bidding lesson, we'll cover: A review of Jacoby 2NT, Splinters and Blackwood and other aspects of slam bidding along with lots of practice using quizzes. We will offer even more tips & tricks to help you get to good slams and avoid bad ones.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN
Adventures in Bridge
This almost 2-hour long lesson by Barbara and Alex, covers various aspects of bridge play, focusing on strategies, bidding techniques, and the importance of understanding opponents' bids.
It provides players with a comprehensive understanding of strategic planning. This lesson is a great resource for both novice and intermediate bridge players looking to enhance their skills and strategies in the game!
Click here to purchase! ONLY $20.00 CDN
Be a Better Declarer
Imagine if you knew the exact shape of your opponent's hand without even peekkng! Learn how to do this and make all those tough contracts your partner put you in! This lesson will take you to the next level of your bridge excellence.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
Counting At Bridge
Imagine if you knew the exact shape of your opponent's hand without even peekkng! Learn how to do this and make all those tough contracts your partner put you in! This lesson will take you to the next level of your bridge excellence.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
Reverses & Other Challenges At Bridge
Reverse is not a scary word! Unravel its mysteries! Then we play lots of hands, guiding you through aspects of declarer play, bidding and defense.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN
Clues: Become A Deadly Declarer
- What did they Bid?
- What did they lead?
- What did they play?
- What do they have?
This is the lesson that I gave in person on Oct 13 this fall. But it is now recorded as an onscreen presentation as many of you asked me to do. In person, we could only manage six hands, here we will do 14 hands!!!
If I do a Zoom live class, we can manage 9 hands usually so you are getting maximum value for a recorded lesson such as this.
You can watch part of it and then take a day or two off or an hour or two. Then you can return to the recording and it will pick up where you left off. All in the comfort of your own home!
To purchase this, click on links below: You will then be sent a link to the recording and the full set of notes that goes with this. This is being done through my online store. The recording will not be on your account but it will be available at all times through the link you will be sent. AND if you lose it, I will send it again, very quickly. Just ask.
Cost is $25.00. It is 2 hrs and 18 minutes.
Live in Canada? Click here to purchase
Live in USA? Click here to purchase
If you prefer to pay by email transfer or check, please email me and I can easily arrange that.
New Minor Forcing
- This is a very important convention that you need in your arsenal.
- Barbara Seagram makes it easy to learn.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CDN (approx. $19.00 USD)
Timing and Magic in Declarer Play Lessons
- Watch the spots and learn to develop extra tricks like magic.
- Suit contracts and NT contracts. To pull or not to pull (trumps that is). All that and more...
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN (approx. $44.00 USD) NOTE: $25.00 of this goes to Water filters in Laos charity.
- Big Hand Bidding and Play
(2 hour Recorded Video Lesson + Notes)
- Judgement at Bridge
(2 hour Recorded Video Lesson + Notes)
Click here to purchase! ONLY $55.00 CDN (approx. $44.00 USD) The site will automatically convert to USD on your credit card if you are in USA.
FULL access to the lesson recording for an unlimited time
If you do not know how to evaluate and revalue your hand, you will miss a whole lot of games and you will also miss lots of slams. You simply have to get a few realities cemented right now, if not sooner. Avoid errors in judgement and improve your bidding, declarer play and defense.
Click here to purchase! ONLY $25.00 CAD (approx. $20.00 USD) The site will automatically convert to USD on your credit card if you are in USA.
FULL access to the lesson recording for an unlimited time
The opening lead is so very important. It communicates so much to partner and often sets the tone for the entire contract. This one card can explain the triumphs or the disasters for the defenders on any given hand.
2 hour bridge training + Barb's Notes!
Purchase and watch anytime afterwards.
TWO HOUR LIVE LESSONS Defensive Thinking & Strategy
Click here to purchase! ONLY $50.00 CAD (approx. $40.00 USD) total for both recordings. (i.e. $25.00 CAD each)
FULL access to the recordings for an unlimited time
Receive a full set of notes too!
Purchase and watch anytime afterwards.
Each lesson has some guiding principles, followed by play of hand with commentary all the way.
2 (1 hour) Mini Bridge Video Lesson Bundle Available For Unlimited Viewing To Improve Your Bridge Play!
1. Balancing
2. Michaels Cuebid & Unusual NoTrump
ONLY $25.00 CAD (approx. $19.00 USD) total for both recordings. (i.e. $12.50 CAD each)
Get Unlimited Access
NEW!! Declarer Play Techniques:
Collection of 5 lessons WITH handout (PDF), 10+hours of Video Training
- Play of the hand in NT contracts, safety plays, danger hands & hold up plays.
- Play of the hand in suit contracts, when to delay drawing trump, how to choose which technique is best for playing a hand.
- Ruffing, cross-ruffing, discarding, developing long suits, finessing and ruffing finesses.
LESSON TOPICS: - Lesson 1: Play of the hand in a No Trump Contract
- Lesson 2: The Dangerous Opponent
- Lesson 3: Play of the Hand in a Suit Contract
- Lesson 4: Loser on a Loser
- Lesson 5: Long Suit Establishment
Get Unlimited Access
A little bit of everything for players of all levels. Something for everyone.
What You're Going To Get In The Summer Bridge Bundle:
| - Lesson 1: All About No Trump
- Lesson 2: All About Doubles
- Lesson 3: Negative Doubles
- Lesson 4: Major Suit Raises
- Lesson 5: Killing Defence
- Lesson 6: Play of The Hand
- Lesson 7: Control Bidding in Slams
- Lesson 8: To Strip and Conquer
- Lesson 9: Practice Your Slam Bidding and Play
- Lesson 10: Defense Against No Trump Contracts
| - Lesson 11: Weak Two’s
- Lesson 12: Introduction to Two Over One
- Lesson 13: Locating Opponents’ Honour Cards
- Lesson 14: Common Errors To Avoid
- Lesson 15: Fourth Suit Forcing
- Lesson 16: My Kingdom For An Entry
- Lesson 17: Thinking Ahead
- Lesson 18: Defensive Signalling
- Lesson 19: Preempt Your Way To Success
- Lesson 20: Winning Bridge Techniques
PURCHASE August Collection of 4 Lessons WITH handout (PDF), 8+hours of Video Training ONLY $39 CAD
PURCHASE September Collection of 2 Lessons WITH handout (PDF), 4+hours of Video Training ONLY $39 CAD
PURCHASE May / June Collection of 9 recordings WITH handout (PDF), 18+hours of Video Training ONLY $89 CAD
PURCHASE July Collection of 5 recordings WITH handout (PDF), 10+hours of Video Training ONLY $49 CAD
ZOOM Lesson Student Reviews
Excellent, excellent, excellent! Possibly the best bridge class I have ever had. Not only did you cover NMF, but all sorts of other situations that come up all the time and that I have been bidding incorrectly forever.
And loved all the bidding detail, 12/13 bid next level, jump with 14, etc. Takes away so much guess-work. I took pages and pages of notes! This has definitely been the year of bridge for me! Lots and lots of practice and all your courses, has made a big difference. And good for my confidence. Of course, you know how bridge is, we are always questioning what should we do in this situation and what to do in that situation and if we take on this new convention then it messes up that convention. I guess you never stop learning. Anyway, thanks so much for everything. I couldn’t have a better teacher and mentor. I took some of your courses on Bayview years ago when I started playing bridge. To this day, I believe the foundation for good bridge practices was set thanks to your classes. I really appreciate all you have done for bridge in Canada.
Ty for your time and a very careful explanation. So special!
Videos and books::Yes: as of tonight, I have 21 of your books(plus a few copies for my partner). The videos are perfect! Your product is putting everything I had been learning from scattered resources into a confident focus. Happy to have now found your website!
Hey Barb—your ears must’ve been ringing today! I played bridge with three friends who I haven’t seen in awhile. One of the friends is 93 and lives in Sarasota, having moved there from Baltimore a few years ago. I mentioned to them that a friend and I are planning to attend your bridge seminar at the GCC in September. Mary Lou, the 93 year old who lives in FL, remarked that she attended one of your seminars there. She raved about it, and then everyone, including myself, piped in to say how much we have learned from you! So I just want you to know that we think you are the very best bridge teacher in the whole world! Joan and I can’t wait to meet you in Greensboro and I know we will learn a lot and also have a great time. Love from your friend in Baltimore, T.D.
I would like to say a BIG “Thank you”. I’m truly enjoying your on line courses and excellent books. You seem to answer my questions before I even realize I have a question(s). Some experts can’t come down to the level of a beginner/learner. We are so fortunate that you can. You are excellent at explaining, even the most complex subject, so we can understand and not get totally frustrated. Irene
Hi Barbara,
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your class! It provided immediate results: my friend Debbie and I got 3.5 MPs yesterday on a BBO 499er game (1st of 86 pairs!).
Thanks again, Sue Nieland
Hi Barbara,
I find your bridge lessons to be so helpful. Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching. I wish I had started learning to play bridge when I was much younger. However, that being said, it is your enthusiasm, helpful instruction and guidance that keep me motivated. I am also so happy to support the wonderful work that you, Patti Lee et al are doing in Laos. Take care and stay well. R.P.
I just wanted to drop you an email and thank you for your wonderful bridge lesson videos. The lessons are excellent and I enjoy them very much. I even watch them while on the treadmill!! I find these videos to be extremely helpful to my knowledge of conventions and defense and play of the hand. I’m also enjoying the new book, Barbara’s Bridge Tips. Bridge is just so interesting. The more you learn, the more you want to learn. What a great game! Your lessons were one of the best things that came out of the pandemic.
Thanks for all you have done to increase my knowledge and appetite for learning more bridge.
Norma M.
Your bridge teaching has helped me immensely over the years! I have been a voracious reader of the "25 series" ever since the first one that you published in 1999. In addition, I have benefitted immensely from the electronic resources that you have provided online, such as the Zoom lesson for St Petersburg Bridge Club last August.
Today, I have been enjoying your lesson on Defensive Moves at ACBL's Endless Summer.
Stephen L.
Lessons are taught IN PERSON at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue, Toronto If coming by TTC, take the Yonge St Subway to York Mills Station. Then a short bus trip along Wilson. Bus # 97, disembark at OId Yonge Blvd or Belgrave Ave.. Map and Directions:(MAP)
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO Josée Hammill, who has won the ACBL Unit 166 - 2024 Kate Buckman Award. This award is presented annually to the person who has contributed the most to others' enjoyment
of the game. The award will be presented to Josée at the Easter Regional. Do congratulate Josée at
Intermediate I (advanced beginners) Bridge Series – with Barb Black
Are you feeling rusty or looking to really get the basic bidding and playing concepts? Then, join us for the Intermediate I (Advanced Beginners) Bridge Series. This course is perfect for those looking for a refresher or transitioning from basic lessons. It will help you solidify what you first learned during the Basic Bridge course or if you are returning after a long hiatus will help you modernize your knowledge of the basic bidding and playing techniques.
- DATES: Starts Tuesday, January 7th (for 7 weeks)
- TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- PRICE: $230. Includes taxes, Barbara Seagram Intermediate I textbook, PDF of PowerPoint presentations and online recordings.
Basics Beginners Bridge Series
Notice how everyone seems to be learning to play bridge? Well, don’t be left behind! Sign up for a gentle introduction to the best card game in the world. Get ready to play bridge during your very first lesson!
Picture this: you, sitting with friendly faces, cards in hand, and all the excitement of learning something new. That's what this 8-week course is all about. Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the fascinating journey of bridge.
Over the course of the 8 weeks, you will learn all the basic elements of the game of bridge: how to take tricks, how to work with a partner, how to open the bidding in a suit and in No Trump, how to respond, how to compete, and much, much more. During each lesson, you can put theory into practice by playing bridge hands right from the very first lesson!
This course is designed for absolute beginners, ensuring a comfortable and supportive learning environment. Each session will be interactive and fun, providing ample opportunities to ask questions and engage with your fellow students. By the end of the series, you’ll not only have a solid understanding of bridge but also a newfound passion for the game.
Ready to join the fun? Enroll now to secure your spot, and let the bridge adventure begin.
- DATES: Starts Wednesday, January 8th (for 8 weeks)
- TIME: 1 pm to 3 pm
- PRICE: $260. Includes taxes, Barbara Seagram Basic Bridge textbook, PDF of PowerPoint presentations and online recordings.
Introduction To Defence with Josée Hammill
Did you know that during a game, you spend 50% of your time defending? Many players overlook how vital defence is to their success, but the truth is that mastering defence is where the real fun begins! Even with a seemingly weak hand, you can outsmart opponents and prove your prowess at the table. This lesson will teach you and your partner how you can enjoy the game just the same with very few points in your hand and ultimately impress the opponents.
- DATES: Starts Wednesday, January 8th (for 4 weeks)
- TIME: 10 pm to 12 pm
- PRICE: $175 (includes Eddie Kantar’s Book Introduction to Defense – new edition revised by Barbara Seagram).
To register, please contact Josée by email at, indicating your choice of course or by phone at 416-300-9140.
Include First and Last Name, email address, mailing address if you require mailing of the textbook.
Canadians: Payment by etransfer to email address
Otherwise, a cheque to:
Josee Hammill, 1717 Avenue Road, Suite 418, Toronto, Ontario M5M 0A2 Canada
Welcome new, newer and novice players!
- Gentle Bridge (0-20): Mondays @ 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Note: NEW players: Do come on Mondays @ noon
- NEW! Limited Game:For players with 0-399 points - Tuesdays @ 12 noon
$12 per game. Pre-register with Cyndy at or call 647-723-3006
- Your name.
- ACBL number if you have one.
- Name of your partner (if you have one) – Partner not required to participate. We will pair you with one!
- Address: Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue, Toronto
If coming by TTC, take the Yonge St Subway to York Mills Station. Then a short bus trip along Wilson. Bus # 97, disembark at Old Yonge Blvd or Belgrave Ave.
- Map and Directions: (MAP)
- Fee: $12 per person
0-20 Master Point Novices
Lee and Josée have 0-20 games on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm SUCH good practice and SO
much fun!
Contact Lee at
Lee also has games for players of all levels. Tuesdays, Wednesdays (Noon/Evenings) and Thursdays and Saturdays on BBO - NOW ONLY $3.50 USD.
- Open games
Tue, Wed @ 12.10 pm & Sat @ 12.30 pm
Wed evenings at 7.00 pm
- 0-1200 master points
Tue & Wed @ 12 noon
- 0-1500 master points
Thu @ 12 noon
- 0-50 master points
Wed eve @ 6.45 pm
New Weekly Supervised Game For 0-20 Masterpoint Players
WHEN: Every Thursday evenings beginning October 17th until April 10th, 2025 with an end of year Party.!
TIME: 6:30 pm sharp start. Please arrive by 6:10 pm.
WHERE: Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue
WHAT: A gentle, supportive bridge game designed for players with 0-20 Masterpoints. Our friendly volunteers will be available to answer your bidding questions. Each week, we’ll feature a "Hand of the Week" analysis, offering valuable tips on bidding and play. Don’t worry if you don’t have a partner—we’ll match you with one!
HOW MUCH: $12 – Includes 12 boards of play, "Hand of the Week" analysis, volunteer support, coffee, tea, and cookies.
No pre-registration or commitment required—just show up ready to play! We only ask that you are on site by no later than 6:10 pm.
If you’ve taken some lessons but feel hesitant about playing in a club, this is the perfect opportunity to build your confidence. You'll be hooked after just one week!
Meet Your Team:
Douglas Jordan, our game director, along with our wonderful volunteers, and I can’t wait to welcome you this fall.
Stay Connected:
If you would like to be added to our Evening Gentle Bridge Game newsletter, please email Josée at You will receive periodic updates.
See you on October 17th!
LOTS of fun and a great opportunity to play in a TOTALLY non threatening environment.
If you are new to these games, first contact Josee at for all details. We need to do this so Lee can get your name into the system so you can sign in easily.
This is an amazing opportunity. Do try this!
After pausing our Gentle Bridge Game for the summer, I am returning to Face to Face lessons for beginners and advanced beginners, and these new players will also be looking for a safe place to hone their skills. This is not just a supervised bridge game; it is the first and only in person game in the area for novice players. At last check, bridge is meant to be played in person – not in front of a screen while doing dishes or laundry.
Judging by last year’s popularity, it is easy to see what a benefit this game is to all novice players. But that didn’t happen on its own. We had a strong group of volunteers guiding these players.
What do you need to volunteer at the Gentle Bridge game at Armour Heights? View PDF
If after reading our PDF has convinced you, and if you would like to help the growth of bridge and these new players, please contact me, Josée, at
Armour Heights Presbyterian Church 105 Wilson Avenue North York, ON M5M 2Z9
Just south of the 401, between Yonge and Avenue Road. JUST west of Yonge Blvd & east of Cricket Club.
To register for all bridge seminars or special bridge events, please call us at 416-487-8321 or email .
- OPEN GAMES: Tue & Wed @ 12.10 pm & Sat @ 10.00 am AND Wed evenings at 7.00 pm
- 0-1200 MASTER POINTS: Tue & Wed @ 12 noon
- 0-1500 MASTER POINTS: Thu @ 12 noon
- 0-50 MASTER POINTS: Wed eve @ 6.45 pm
When you play in Lee's open games online (ONLY $3.50 USD on BBO): if there are 10 tables in the Open and 15 in the 0-1100 section, you receive master points for playing in a 25 table game which is LOTS!
- Lee’s 0-1200 Tuesday Pairs 12:00 PM
- Lee’s Tuesday OPEN Pairs 12:10 PM
- Lee’s 0-1200 Wednesday Pairs 12:00 PM
- Lee’s Wednesday OPEN Pairs 12:10 PM
- Josee and Lee’s 0-50 Wednesday Pairs 6:45 PM
- Lee’s Wednesday Evening OPEN Pairs 7:00 PM
- Lee’s 0-1500 Thursday Pairs 12:00 PM
- Lee’s Saturday OPEN Pairs 10:00 AM
[NOTE: the Saturday game starts earlier than other days]
If neither you nor your partner have EVER played in one of Lee's games, do email him so he can
register you for these games.
If you require any assistance, please contact me at , or or phone me 416-274-1752 (after 11:00 a.m.). If you email me, be sure to INCLUDE your phone number so that I can reach you.
Special requests or information:
Call us LEE DAUGHARTY at 416-274-1752
Email: Website:
Rob Drummond's Toronto Bridge has THREE Face-to-Face games per week!
Make a plan to be there!!!! Call up your favourite partner NOW!!
- Wednesday at 12 noon til 3:00pm: OPEN GAME
- Thursday at 9.00 am until 11:30 am: 0-500 Master Points
- Thursday at 12 noon til 3:00 pm: OPEN GAME
Leaside Memorial Arena, 1073 Millwood Rd, Toronto (Map)
ENTRY FEE: $12.00 includes coffee, tea and cookies
Do come early (half hour or so if you can).
Do your best to get your own partner but if you really need a partner, contact Rob Drummond at or 647-629-3408 (Text or call)
and he will do his best to help.
Let's all pitch in and make this a huge, whopping success. Thank you, Rob, for doing this for Toronto!